Smoking Cessation
So you've tried everything: will power, chewing gum, nicotine gum, nicotine
patch, and so on. Most smoking cessation program focus on nicotine
as the problem. Although nicotine has been proven to be a powerful
drug, it is never the reason people start smoking. The nicotine comes
after, not before you start smoking. For that reason, it's important
for you to fully understand what drew you to smoking in the first place.
Until that initial cause is understood, it can remain an unconscious saboteur
in your attempts to quit smoking. The initial causes vary and are
totally individual. No two people have exactly the same root cause
for smoking. Although stress and anxiety are often an underlying
factor, the exact circumstances which trigger the stress and anxiety are
unique to each person.
Hypnotherapy allows you to delve more deeply into your own mind where
all the information you need regarding the root cause of this habit is
stored. Once the cause is identified and resolved, the whole processes
of becoming a non-smoker is made much easier. Sometimes only one
session is required; sometimes two or three. Rarely is more required
for any one particular issue.
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