Life Transitions |
Transition is a regular part of 20th Century life. The ability to
embrace change has become fundamental to our physical and psychological
health. Throughout the ages, man has had to deal with change at one
level or another, if only the birth and death of loved ones. However
social and cultural development has, in many ways, complicated our lives
when compared to the simplicity of our more primitive ancestors. We find
ourselves having to learn to deal with ever-increasing political, social,
religious, and moral changes, just to name a few. Some changes we
embrace much more easily than others. However, when we find ourselves
in a desperate struggle to maintain our equanimity in the face of some
of the more difficult transitions, such as in our careers, relationships
or finances, there are often patterns of belief or attitude, taken on
in our lives, that become barriers to moving past the old and embracing
the new.
Hypnotherapy can not only help to bring awareness to those particular
patterns so that they can be resolved, but can also allow for
"brain storming" sessions, in which options for the future can be
brought to light and evaluated. In this way, many of the parts of
our personality that are unacknowledged and hidden away, for whatever
in the shadows of our unconscious mind, can be brought to the "table" and
given the opportunity to be heard. When that happens, we can make
decision that more fully represent the totality of who we are.
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